One of our neighbors posted information on a local site about their involvement with a community outreach program in a village in Botswana, Africa. The local school with 400 students is in need of books for children grade 1 through 9. And even though, history and geography books were preferred, I offered to gift OUR BOOKS because I strongly believe that people in general and children in particular need fairy tales as much as they need academic knowledge because since early age, tales are our spiritual guide in life. So, for the children of Tsetsebjwe Village in Botswana, near Limpopo River and border with South Africa, I signed a few of our books. Anya, Chickenleg Hut, Vassily Vassilich and Superseal are going to Africa! I know that fairy tales written by Russian authors with deeply rooted tradition of storytelling, will be loved by children and perhaps adults in Africa - not less than tales of Africa were a part of our upbringing thanks to talented Russian children's writer Korney Chukovsky. If you are local and would like to donate children's books to this cause, leave me a message here or on my FB page AnyaStories, and I will pass your information on to the organizers.
Where you can order our books:
На местном сайте один из наших соседей поделился, что уже в течение 10 лет его семья участвует в общественной программе помощи школьникам из небольшой деревни в Ботсване. В школе учатся 400 детей всех возрастов, и они нуждаются в книгах, рассчитаных на 1-9 класс. И хотя первое предпочтение было книгам научного характера (исторические, географические и т.д.), я предложила подарить африканским школьникам наши с Андреем книги - потому что людям нужны не только наука и академические знания, людям еще необходимы сказки. И кто, если не мы?
Сказка - ложь, да в ней намек,
Добрым молодцам урок!
(Александр Пушкин. Сказка о Золотом петушке, 1834)